Art Gallery PALERMO H is preceded by more than 30 years of experience. We currently have over 1000 original works from contemporary argentinian artists, all framed and certified; and five ample exhibition rooms with paintings, sculptures and artwork created in different mediums.
“Working in person, virtually and in 3D”, our collection can be appreciated virtually, or by visiting our quarters in Microcentro.
We currently are in 712 Tucumán street. Mon-Fri from 11 to 18 hours, and Saturdays from 10 to 13 hours.
Feel free to contact us at:
María Baldini Artista Plastica
Muestra: Estigma, Mas alla del dolor
5 Artistas Exponen Monica Fuksman , Stella Vergottini, Natalia Gandolfo , Monica Iturrioz
Alejandro Malowcki : LO HUMANO Perla Sarmiento: Hoy Mis Flores
Kravetz, Szterenberg “Algo en común
Body and text are mutually intertwined in Kravezt work, in a tense
conversation that disquiet us, and open our senses.
Pulling from an invisible thread, Szterenberg calls to the image to become
present. Her work arises between letters and textures, modeled by contrasts
and silences.
They find each other in the play as a starting point, in the thoughts and
in the mystery.
Danielle Camus 50 años en la pintura homenaje a Roberto Broullon
Silvina Fiamingo, argentinian painter borned in Buenos Aires, has participated in several national and international exhibitions. In “Animales exóticos” (exotic animals), she longs to break the common perception of reality through her particular language, with surrealistic, fantastic and biomorphic imprint