Just off Alvarado and sunset in a quiet little alleyway, there’s a jewel of a museum.
Eric Kurland is the director, curator, and chief cook and bottle washer for the 3D Space Museum, the center for stereoscopic photography, Art, Cinema, and education. The museum is a certified nonprofit and needs everyone’s help to keep it going in its Quest to document the history of 3D stereoscopic. If you can please contribute at 3d-space.org.
This video is a 3D 360 8K resolution video. For best viewing watch this video in a VR headset. But if you don’t have a VR headset, YouTube has just recently added the option for viewing it in red-cyan and anaglyph. Click on the gear icon in the lower right-hand corner to change the setting.
Stereoscopes with a home entertainment system of the 1900s. Eric fills us in on how these amazing devices worked and how they were so far ahead of their time.
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